Tuesday 26 April 2011

'Becoming Vegan' Poster Final Version

This is the final version of my Becoming Vegan Poster.

Shown below are some raw images that I photographed for the poster. I edited them in Adobe Photoshop and then used Microsoft Publisher and Open Office Writer to put the images together with some written text to construct the poster.

This image was taken within our college common room.

This is was spelt with raw carrots and a piece of broccoli on a kitchen table top.

This image was derived from two images I Photographed, I used photoshop to half both images, add and take away unnecessary features and then added more contrast so the images would become more sharper and bright. I then put the two images together and made the background transparent with the 'Magic Wand' tool on photoshop.

This is the Burger Image I Photographed, I took the image in an I.T Technicians computer room, within the room is a small photography set where you can take photographs.
This is the Apple Image I Photographed, I took the image once again in the I.T Technicians computer room on the photograph set.

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